Treatment Centers by City
- Portland
- Bangor
- Lewiston
- Augusta
- Waterville
- Caribou
- Ellsworth
- Biddeford
- South Portland
- Skowhegan
- Brunswick
- Auburn
- Belfast
- Rockland
- Rumford
- Fort Kent
- Presque Isle
- Westbrook
- Houlton
- Lincoln
- Scarborough
- Windham
- Farmington
- Kennebunk
- Saco
- Springvale
- Brewer
- Bridgton
- Calais
- Dover Foxcroft
- Machias
- Madawaska
- Oxford
- Yarmouth
- Alfred
- Bath
- Buxton
- Camden
- Damariscotta
- Eastport
- Lisbon
- Old Orchard Beach
- Rockport
- Sanford
- South Paris
- Wilton
- Winthrop
- York
- Albion
- Anson
- Blue Hill
- Bowdoinham
- Bremen
- Bucksport
- Casco
- Corinth
- East Millinocket
- Freeport
- Fryeburg
- Gardiner
- Gray
- Harrington
- Hebron
- Hinckley
- Hiram
- Hollis Center
- Hulls Cove
- Island Falls
- Kittery
- Limestone
- Lubec
- Mechanic Falls
- Medway
- Mexico
- Milbridge
- Newport
- North Berwick
- Old Town
- Orono
- Perry
- Princeton
- Randolph
- Sabattus
- Searsport
- South China
- Southwest Harbor
- Standish
- Stetson
- Surry
- Waldoboro
- Wells
- West Newfield
- Windsor
- Crossroads Back Cove
- Crossroads Back Cove
is located at 575 Forest Avenue Portland, ME. 4101 and can be contacted by calling 207-773-9931. Crossroads Back Cove offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Residential Short-Term Treatment for Alcoholism, Dual Diagnosis, Women, Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- In relation to college aged young women, those who experienced an act of sexual aggression were up to ten times higher on the days when they were drinking heavily as compared to days when no alcohol was consumed.
- As many as 70% of college students admit to having engaged in sexual activity primarily as a result of being under the influence of alcohol, or to having sex they wouldn't have had if they had been sober.
- A recent study has found that the odds of attempting suicide rise 50% if you consume alcohol, even if you don't drink to excess.
- An estimated 6.6 million American children under the age of 18 live in homes with at least one alcoholic parent.
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