Treatment Centers by City
- Portland
- Bangor
- Lewiston
- Augusta
- Waterville
- Caribou
- Ellsworth
- Biddeford
- South Portland
- Skowhegan
- Brunswick
- Auburn
- Belfast
- Rockland
- Rumford
- Fort Kent
- Presque Isle
- Westbrook
- Houlton
- Lincoln
- Scarborough
- Windham
- Farmington
- Kennebunk
- Saco
- Springvale
- Brewer
- Bridgton
- Calais
- Dover Foxcroft
- Machias
- Madawaska
- Oxford
- Yarmouth
- Alfred
- Bath
- Buxton
- Camden
- Damariscotta
- Eastport
- Lisbon
- Old Orchard Beach
- Rockport
- Sanford
- South Paris
- Wilton
- Winthrop
- York
- Albion
- Anson
- Blue Hill
- Bowdoinham
- Bremen
- Bucksport
- Casco
- Corinth
- East Millinocket
- Freeport
- Fryeburg
- Gardiner
- Gray
- Harrington
- Hebron
- Hinckley
- Hiram
- Hollis Center
- Hulls Cove
- Island Falls
- Kittery
- Limestone
- Lubec
- Mechanic Falls
- Medway
- Mexico
- Milbridge
- Newport
- North Berwick
- Old Town
- Orono
- Perry
- Princeton
- Randolph
- Sabattus
- Searsport
- South China
- Southwest Harbor
- Standish
- Stetson
- Surry
- Waldoboro
- Wells
- West Newfield
- Windsor
- Central Maine Family Counseling PA
- Central Maine Family Counseling PA
is located at 300 Pine Street Lewiston, ME. 4240 and can be contacted by calling 207-777-3399. Central Maine Family Counseling PA offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis
Payment Options: Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee
- Contact Us
- Unmarried workers (divorced, separated or never married) have about twice the rate of alcoholism or alcohol abuse as married workers.
- About 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks.
- Approximately 5-10% of male drinkers and 3-5% of female drinkers can be diagnosed as alcohol dependent.
- All states in the United States have adopted 0.08% (80 mg/dL) as the legal limit of alcohol consumption for operating a motor vehicle for drivers aged 21 years or older. However, drivers younger than 21 are not allowed to operate a motor vehicle with any level of alcohol in their system.
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